Homeschool for Free with These Resources

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These resources will help you homeschool for free when you are on a budget or can’t spend a lot on extras. Homeschool for free doesn’t mean less education either!

It just means that you are using available resources to help teach your child without it costing a lot. There’s certainly nothing wrong with that. In fact, it can give the kids a great learning experience too!

Homeschool for Free

How to Homeschool for Free

Search the term “homeschool for free” and you will find a variety of different resources and ways to spend zilch on teaching your child a variety of different things.

In fact, there are many different ways to homeschool your child without spending a lot of money. From online resources and free library books to creating your own curriculum, these free homeschool resources are helpful.

Use online resources

This is one of our biggest go-to’s. You can find a TON of online resources and websites that offer free homeschool printables, lesson plans, and other homeschool materials. You can use these online resources to create your own curriculum or to add on to something you are already using.

Sites like Easy Peasy Homeschool have entire curriculum and lesson plans available to download and print, for free!

Homeschool for free with books from the library

The library is one of our favorite resources when it comes to books and homeschool material. Many libraries offer curriculum, audiobooks, and other resources for homeschoolers. Plus, you can check out a variety of different books on any subject you want. With each book your child reads, they will gain knowledge and they will learn something.

The library often puts on events and classes that your child can attend to learn even more. These are often free to attend and the kids usually have a lot of fun. The kids can listen to stories or put together crafts as they learn and do hands-on activities that are fun.

Bonus tip! Libraries often sell their used books making it easy for you to get cheap resources and help your local community.

Join a homeschool co-op

I love homeschool co-op groups! If you aren’t familiar with them, it is where homeschooling families get together to plan activities together, share resources, and more. The majority of them in our area doesn’t have a charge to join, you are only asked to volunteer with planning and other things.

Not only can you get some free material and supplies, but this is a great way to meet other homeschoolers and have some socialization time for your child.

Online classes

In addition to Easy Peasy, there are other programs and online resources that let your child take online classes for free.

Khan Academy is just one example. YouTube is another great example.

How to Homeschool for Free

I hate the stigma that homeschooling is expensive. While you can spend a ton of money on curriculum and resources, there are plenty of free ones out there.

We love free in this house because that gives us extra spending money to use on field trips or other learning activities.

If money is what is holding you back when it comes to homeschooling, don’t let it! There are plenty of resources that will help you homeschool for free or for extremely cheap.

Homeschool for Free with These Resources

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