Drawing Circles Worksheet – PreK Circle Printable

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Get your little one ready to draw circles with this free printable drawing circles worksheet! The printable activity includes 16 circle shaped objects they can draw.

One of my favorite things to teach the preschool-kindergarten aged students is how to draw shapes. Our favorite shape is the circle because a lot of things they see in their daily lives are items that have a circular shape.

Sports balls, car tires, clocks, eyes, the sun, and various foods are just a few of the things that are circle shaped. Kids see most of these things every day which easily helps them recognize circles.

Drawing Circles Worksheet – Kindergarten Circle Printable

We took inspiration from the items above and used it as a worksheet to help young learning learn how to draw a circle.

Drawing Circles Worksheet - Kindergarten Circle Printable

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For this circle activity, we’ve included 4 pages of circle shaped items that your young learner can copy. Some are a little trickier than others to draw.

Most of the time the Earth and the pizza is the hardest for young kids to draw.. but as long as they get the jist and do their best, it usually turns out ok.

Fun Ways to Use This Free Drawing Circles Worksheet Printable

  • To learn how to draw circles and a few other shapes.
  • To learn what items are shaped like a circle.
  • You can use this worksheet to help teach kids what these items are. For instance, what a baseball, button, or clock looks like.
  • They can practice coloring within the lines as they color each of the circle objects.
  • Kids can count the various objects in each image. For instance, with the pizza, they can count how many slices there are. On the baseball, they can count how many stitches there are.

There are so many different ways that kids can learn from this drawing circles worksheet. Plus, they will have fun learning more about each object.

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Drawing Circles Worksheet
Grab the free printable worksheet here!

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