Apple Facts for Kids – Printable Apple Trivia Activity

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Today we are learning some fun apple facts for kids. To go along with the fun facts about apples, we’ve created a free printable apple trivia worksheet.

Apples are one of the most loved fruits in the world. We typically enjoy them the most in summer and fall. You’ll also see them in a variety of different dishes, desserts, and snacks.

Here are 10 fun apple facts for kids that they will find interesting. You can use these apple facts and the apple printable worksheets to celebrate National Apple Day. You can also combine this activity when celebrating a fun educational holiday.

Apple Facts for Kids - Printable Apple Trivia Activity

1. Over 2,500 Apples Varieties are Grown in the USA

In North America, there are over 2,500 different types of apples that are grown. If you look throughout the world, over 7,500 types of apples are grown. China grows more apples than any other country in the world.

2. Apples Are High in Fiber

Apples should be included in healthy diets because they are high in fiber. One large apple has about 5 grams of fiber making them great for digestion.

3. Apple Trees Take Years To Grow Apples

Apple trees that have been planted can take years to actually produce apples. Depending on how they are grown, apple trees can take anywhere from 4-10 years to mature and make apples.

Apple trees also have a long life. They can live up to 100 years. It’s also fun to know that some apple trees grow over 40 feet high. These were some of the most interesting apple facts for kids that they found interesting.

4. The First Apple Pie Was Created in Europe

We often associate apple pie as the American dessert of summer. Through our research I learned that the first apple pie was actually made in Europe hundreds of years ago. Regardless of where it started, we are happy that it made its way to the US!

5. Apples Are Fat Free.

Not only are apples fat-free, but they are also sodium-free and cholesterol-free. This is another reason why apples are healthy. See what happens when you eat an apple every day.

6. A Mini Apple Tree is Called a Dwarf Tree

While most apple trees are very large, small ones do exist. The mini apple trees only stand a 8-10 feet tall once they are fully grown. They are also called dwarf apple trees.

These trees are small enough to grow on your back patio or yard. Dwarf apple trees start growing fruit in 3-5 years.

7. George Washington Loved Pruning Apples

It’s true! One of George Washington’s favorite hobbies was to prune apples. Pruning a tree means that you cut back the dead/old branches so that the tree can grow more.

8. Johnny Appleseed Really Did Plant All Those Apple Trees

While his name was really John Chapman and he wasn’t poor like the books say, he did plant apple trees. He planted trees throughout the United States.

9. The Three Most Popular Apple Varieties Include…

In the United States we eat a lot of apples! The most popular varieties of apples are the Fujji, Red Delicious, Golden, and Granny Smith.

10. Apple Pecks & Apple Bushes – Apple Facts for Kids

A peck of apples, or a small bag of apples, weighs around 10 pounds.

A bushel of apples, or a large bag of apples usually holds around 120 apples and weights about 42 pounds.

Apple Facts for Kids

These apple facts for kids are fun and interesting! We’ve also included a facts about apples worksheet kids can complete.

Apple Facts for Kids - Printable Apple Trivia Activity

You can print the Apple Facts for Kids – Printable Apple Trivia Activity here!

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