List of 10 Syllable Words for High School Students
This list of 10 syllable words are great for high school and college students. There are only a few 10 syllable words in the English language and most are medical terms but there are a few other interesting words in there too.
For high school students who are looking to get into the medical field or just want a challenging spelling list, these 10 syllable words will be quite the challenge!
We’ve also included a printable worksheet for the 10 syllable word list that you can download for free so that kids can practice spelling the words, research and learn the definition of each, and look up how to sound out the words.
10 Syllable Words for High School and College

The number of syllables in each of these words are 10. Students can take this list of words and then research them to see what they mean, how to say them, and more.
- abetalipoproteinemia
- acrocephalopolydactylous
- acrocephalopolydactyly
- diastereoselectivity
- diiodohydroxyquinoline
- dimethoxyphenylethylamine
- heterophenomenological
- lobuloalveologenesis
- magnetohydrodynamical
- obstetrician-gynecologist
- oligodendrogliogenesis
- ovolactovegetarianism
- paleoepidemiological
- theologicometaphysical
- triacetyloleandomycin
As you can see, these are pretty challenging and are around 20 letter word terms.

How Can I Use These 10 Syllable Spelling Words?
For these words with 10 syllables, you can have students do a variety of different activities with them.
- Practice spelling the words by sounding them out and writing them on a piece of paper.
- Look up the definition and write it down.
- Find the synonyms of each 10 syllable word.